29 May 2005
“MEAT & WAR – WHAT’S THE CONNECTION?” Memorial Weekend special with guest RALPH SCHOENMAN a vegan who was Executive Director of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and Secretary General of the International Tribunal on US War Crimes in Indo China and is the US representative of the International Committee Against Repression. He co-hosts radio program […]
22 May 2005
It is Bob and his Filibuster Special filling the airwaves and cyberspace with your fill of what a good animal rights and liberation filibuster might be, including what actions you can take to end slaughter and guns in California schools.
15 May 2005
What is the Bush regime doing to our forests? This month it lifted protection of millions of acres and environmentalists are calling the policy No Tree Left Behind. Today’s guests include environmental activists Laurel, who talks to us directly from the Siskiyou National Forest in southwest Oregon, and Jake, who was arrested for direct action […]
8 May 2005
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MOTHER COW. Is a cow your mother? Why do you drink her milk? Why do you eat her kidnapped son, your brother, the veal calf? Why do you eat MOM when she can no longer give milk? Today’s guest is Christine Morrissey, Director of East Bay Animal Advocates who recently investigated California […]
24 April 2005
For World Week for Animals in Laboratories – former vivisector Michael Budkie from SAEN (Stop Animal Exploitation Now) on the real costs of animal experimentation and Kerry Oldridge from St Nicholas Hope for Animals on the great work this organization does rescuing dogs and cats south of the border under the most challenging conditions. St […]
17 April 2005
For Earth Day – a discussion of “meat and the environment” with Professor David Pimentel of Cornell University, world-renowned ecological expert, speaker, author of more than 560 scientific papers and 23 books who has served on many national and government committees including the National Academy of Sciences; President’s Science Advisory Council; U.S Department of Agriculture; […]
10 April 2005
What the Pope said about animals>>>More devastating reasons why the environment says: Go Vegan>>>Guest – Linda Kelson of San Diego Animal Advocates – one of the Bowling for the Animals beneficiaries – on the campaigns to save the La Jolla seals, why a former SD zoo elephant should go to sanctuary, and why SD isn’t […]
3 April 2005
Hear that finger-licking good has a new meaning, as a human finger was found in a bowl of When-Dies’ chili, but K(illing)F(or)C(ash) has its own ingredient problems. Rap star Veg-Veggie-Wrap puts the rap on McDevil’s. And there’s an update on the devils clubbing baby seals in Canada – Thank You, Brave & Courageous Capt. Paul […]
27 March 2005
It’s Easter Sunday and author / historian Rynn Berry (“Food for the Gods”) discusses the bases for which Christians should be vetarian. Was Jesus killed for protesting animal sacrifice? Also, a group of Seventh Day Adventists advocates vegetarianism for health. And “the vivisectors are coming, the vivisectors are coming!” Find out about a convention of […]