Stanford Inn By the Sea

Apology to Tofurky

I feel that I should apologize to Tofurky for my losing it this week. After I visited the “farmer” outreach Facebook page of the Humane Society of the US (HSUS), the organization supported by Tofurky in print on its product packaging, and seeing H$U$ peddling “humane” turkeys for Thanksgiving – I lost it! I was overwhelmed by the irony of a world gone mad, of having to protect turkeys from those whom Tofurky supports. But I shouldn’t blame Tofurky. After all, the deceptive and effective H$U$ PR machine has successfully brainwashed countless animal advocates into thinking it is on their side, even making a complete fools out of FARM, Alex Hershaft, and Michael Weber, organizers of a so-called “animal rights” conference, that actually invites the blood-soaked butchers of H$U$ to speak, as if they are on our side, as if they are on the side of the animals.
So, if the so-called leaders of the “animal rights movement” can’t even distinguish between animal advocates and animal killers, how can we expect Tofurky to do so? Even now, to hold on to its sponsorship, H$U$ is feeding Tofurky slick PR sound-bite vomit about how much the “meat” industry hates it, all the while establishing itself as a leader in the “meat” industry.
Tofurky has done a lot of good in the world, and has been a friend to turkeys, offering the vegan Thanksgiving alternative, as well as a complete line of other alternatives to animal products. It has been environmentally conscious – organic, hexane-free, against GMO’s and for their labeling.
Tofurky, I’m sure, thought it was doing good – maybe even helping animals – when it entered into whatever agreement it did to support H$U$ and put its logo on its packaging. How many of us in the past were misled by these egregious propagandists – donating to them, volunteering for them, applauding for their professional liars?
That the Humane Society of the United States is a pro-“meat” anti-vegan enemy of animals, animal advocacy, and the environment was a well-kept secret – spoken only by a few (including me) and censored by many (including Alex Hershaft, Michael Weber, FARM, and the so-called “animal rights” conference) – until now, when blatant support for animal abuse, exploitation, and killing H$U$-style has become so profitable that H$U$ has now come out of the closet (and that’s some beautiful western wear you had in the closet, Mr. Pacelle – the cowboy shirt and denim for which you traded in your Armani and Brooks Brothers suits certainly do suit you better)  – and makes no bones about its central role as a rancher-advocacy organization, pushing flesh over veganism, and selling certified “humane” rape, confinement, mutilation, and grass-fed, pasture-raised, free range murder – all with the official animal-advocacy seal of approval. H$U$ has even joined an international association of “livestock” sector profiteers to provide animal agriculture “products” to meet an expected increase in demand of 70% by 2050.
H$U$ has blood on its hands – literally. Its pig breeder/killer vice president, Joe Maxwell, murders 50,000 innocents every year, and gets $30 more per pig because he can sell their “flesh” as “humane”, thanks to his employer, the “Humane” Society of the US. H$U$ employees have blood on their hands, from rancher Maxwell to rancher Wayne Pacelle, to rancher Paul Shapiro, to rancher Michael Greger, to rancher Mike Markarian. Those who continue to hold hands with H$U$ will have blood on their hands too – including the so-called “animal rights” conference, Veg Fest DC, WorldFest LA (which I started in 2000, never imagining it would be sponsored by animal-killing butchers).
And then you have poor Tofurky, going along, minding its own business, churning out vegan holiday feasts, and deli slices, and sausages, and franks, and pizza, thinking it did a good deed putting the H$U$ logo on its products, while true animal advocates were becoming more and more aware of the reprehensible nature of H$U$, with some of them complaining to Tofurky, who may have replied without having full knowledge of the depth of the problem, that now when true animal advocates see the logo of H$U$, we see what the animals see – swastikas dripping with blood. Now when we see the logo of H$U$ on a Tofurky package – the irony is just so overwhelmingly tragic.
Again, I don’t think that Tofurky is to blame, and maybe it doesn’t understand the sense of urgency in removing H$U$ from its packaging. Perhaps it is an overwhelming financial burden to do so. Of course, if I were Tofurky, I’d be hiring high school students with magic markers to hide the embarrassment as soon as possible.
Tofurky has exhibited a desire to do what’s right in the past, and maybe it’s confused about the issues – after all, rancher Paul Shapiro himself was dispatched to TofurkyFest to schmooze under the guise and in the disguise of a credible animal advocate (LOL), even though he can’t even protect animals from his co-workers.
I respect Tofurky founder Seth Tibbott for what he has done, and have enjoyed interviewing him every year on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN. Tofurky has been kind enough to sponsor the radio program at times over the years. And while I do want Tofurky to do well, I do not want to introduce anyone to a message of support for H$U$ in any way. So I feel that this year, while the logo is still on the label, I should not seek sponsorship funding and I should forgo the interview, unless Tofurky does demonstrate some disassociation from H$U$.
Anyway, it would be nice if you would politely express your thoughts on the importance of this matter to Mr. Tibbott. You can email him at
I do want people to eat Tofurky products, but not to read their labels – or they may buy a “humane” turkey for Thanksgiving instead of a Tofurky.

2 Responses

  1. Lucas
    Lucas November 6, 2013 at 12:28 pm | | Reply

    Right on!

    Michael Greger is a rancher???

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