Stanford Inn By the Sea

“Animal Rights” CON-ference: “Meat-Eating Vegans” for Egg Consumption

As long as you are aware that your attendance at FARM-USA’s “Animal Rights” CON-ference in Los Angeles funds a fraudulent movement to the great detriment of animals, then fork over your blood-stained money.

The organizer of this event, FARM – “Farm Animal Rights Movement”, abandoned its moral principles years ago to join a partnership with United Egg Producers in support of torturous battery cages, a partnership that included the traitorous corporations – the Humane Society of the United States, Mercy For Animals, Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing, In Defense of Animals, Animal Legal Defense Fund, ASPCA, and others. These groups, and FARM, comprise the core of AR-CON’s 2016 speaker roster, along with other anti-vegan pro “humane meat”, pro “humane slaughter” propagandists.

The leaders of this bogus 2016 “animal rights movement” have replaced the VEGAN imperative with direct campaigns for animal “meat” and tragic “cage-free” eggs.

Selling us the sell-ours, FARM has scheduled at least thirteen presentations by the Humane Society of the US, Mercy For Animals, and the Humane League, who just split $2,500,000 to spread public deception in favor of “cage-free” eggs, which have become the centerpiece for a morally depraved movement. FARM inducted HSUS’ top egg salesman into its “Animal Rights Hall of Fame”. The egg industry also thanks FARM, the “animal rights” industry, and “Meatless Mondays” for record egg sales.

The latest hijacking high jinks of animal advocacy is the new acceptance of “meat” itself. Mercy For Animals created its new “Good Food Institute” with Bruce Friedrich to sell us “cultured meat”, derived from imprisoned animal slaves, grown with a bovine fetal solution.

The message at FARM’s corrupt and compromised “animal rights” CON-ference is that “meat is good food”. That message is sponsored and financed by your registration dollars.

Your registration dollars finance the notion that today’s top animal activists are “meat-eating vegans” who celebrate the grinding of baby male chicks, and the mutilation and murder of hens, one by one, by the millions. Hooray for your “victories”, “animal advocates” participating in FARM’s “animal rights movement”.

FARM has made it impossible to differentiate between animal killers from animal advocates, and your dollars contribute to that charade. Now, we’re not supposed to differentiate vegans from “meat” eaters.

The most powerful man in (pseudo) “animal advocacy”, the man who gave you dollar-discount coupons on pig-flesh “bacon” wants to re-define VEGAN, so that you can be a “meat-eating vegan” just like he is. HSUS CEO, Wayne Pacelle, just dined on the suffering of “cultured meat” from animals, and proclaimed that his streak as a “vegan” remains intact, which is more than can be said of his sanity. Do FARM and “animal advocates” rise in revolt to this affront to animals and veganism? No, disgraceful FARM schedules a talk by the HSUS VP of Farm Animal Protection, Paul Shapiro entitled:

How Much Is Enough? (How vegan do we need to be? What should be role of animal activism in our life?)

Obviously, it’s enough to just be a “meat”-eating vegan” who campaigns for the consumption of eggs.

Instead, let’s be divisive. Let’s have a real VEGAN movement:


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