Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea


  • From Izzy Caputo on Ralph Nader Duped by HSUS' CEO Wayne Pacelle

    Excellent! Thank you!

  • From entityfree on 27 March 2017

    well i like to try to write companies, if i am buying from them, and bring up the vegan message. its like the first thing i ask people. i think like a monastic kind of. i like to avoid violent confrontation. but you know ill #### you up if i have to, lol. im waiting for the world to change i hate it. i thought you all dont like the direct action people. should write more congress people, about eating at mcdonalds. 🙂

  • From Caroline Quinn on Finally, Democracy Now actually did a story about the devastating consequences of animal agriculture

    If one eats animals they have NO emotional intelligence. Has any none vegan asked a beautiful cow, lam, pig, horse, turkey, fish, if they want their heads, legs, wings, cut off and burnt on a fire…What For! Horses, elephants, giraffes, hippos, bulls, have the same FLAT teeth humans have and they eat a plant based diet. I haven’t eaten an animal in 40yrs, and vegan for 25yrs. Drs marvel and how high my protein is and quiz me on what I eat. It’s a no brainier. GO VEGAN! Would you want to be eaten by a higher form of life?

  • From Brian Snakes on 01 August 2017

    Bob glad you are back but few constructive criticisms, you sound like you’re inside a box, inside a car, inside a tunnel and are stuck repeating material from other shows about open philanthropy project, meatless mondays, bacon coupons, hoofin it, egg industry this, HSUS and Mercy for Animals that. Then often comes on Gary and it’s déjà vu, ground hogs day, all over again. Would love to hear some fresh stuff even if you just did a podcast once a month if that helps more material?

  • From Jo on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    (corrected earlier post)

    I am just now seeing this thread for the first time. I was a microbiologist working with Merck and Co Inc who believed that vaccines were the greatest success of modern medicine — but that was based on what I was “taught” not my own critical thinking after looking for myself at the primary literature.
    I was a vegan BEFORE I became a mother, however, once I had children, doing what I believed best for THEM came before my concerns for other beings. So I looked into the vaccine issue solely to figure out what would be in the long term best interests of my children, and had nothing to do with the vegan issue itself.

    But I do strongly believe in informed consent, and when I heard about some of the problems with vaccines, even though I was doubtful that they could be true….I spent a full year delving into the published science. This was before the interent, so I spent a lot of time at the medical library, on the phone with the CDC’s experts discussing the studies I was reading and frequently contacted my old microbiology professors to discuss what I was finding. I was shocked to not only find strong evidence, that vaccines were not as safe and effective as I had always been told, but that virtually every MD — and ALL my professors had absolutely no knowledge of troubling information I was finding at the medical library. It blew me away to discover that all these staunchly pro-vaccine experts were quite ignorant of important points that were published and very much changed the risk/benefit calculation.

    PLEASE — no matter what your credentials — if you have not taken the time to really examine this issue from the PRIMARY literature (and for yourself!) and see what the truth really is — and then to talk with knowledgeable people who can explain in addition to this, how many studies have been manipulated by special interests, do not criticize those of us who have done this and are just trying to do what is best for our children!

    If you really want to honestly look into this issue, look at the list that my name is linked to it is a great place to start — read the books and THEN look up their references for yourself — if you are open and honest, you will see what the truth is…

    But really you can save yourself the time if you simply…FOLLOW THE MONEY…and think critically…the vaccine issue is just like dairy, we’ve all been misled.

    BTW Science Based Medicine is simply Big Pharma astroturfing — they are pro-gmo and pro-dairy too. Also, here are the REAL facts on what happened to Dr Andrew Wakefield the supposedly discredited doc:
    It is important to read the real facts on this site, because the mainstream media would lose too many advertising dollars (from big pharma) if they told people the truth.

  • From Tarek Sabra on 03 July 2017

    Hey Bob, I think your mic was out towards the end of the show; we could only hear Dr Francione 🙁

  • From entityfree on 06 March 2017

    yes you were a vegan as your shoes were wearing out.

  • From entityfree on 06 March 2017

    that is what i call scavenger veganism. only type of meat eating possibly justifiable.

  • From entityfree on 06 March 2017

    pedophilia is a different concept from rape and child abuse and exploitation, and other things. (it is still treated like a mental disease as homosexuality(which i personally do not like) was)(so, because of all the 19 year olds on parole or whatever, you sound ignorant(?) to me when you use that as an example all the time when talking about veganism.)

  • From Alfredo Kuba on 12 June 2017

    It is incomprehensible how humans rationalize cruelty and massmurder. The massmurder industry has successfully use this propaganda of “humane” “free range” “cage free” since the inception of the animal killing industries. Imagine if this was done to slavery or the holocaust?

    Humans are truly evil and as long as they are told lies, even when they know they are lies, they will condone and participate in any atrocity.

    Towards non human creatures, humans behave like parasites and psychopaths.

  • From v on 29 December 2013

    Yeb is currently the executive director of Greenpeace SOutheast asia, and it is surprising that they do not promote veganism. https://www.facebook.com/greenpeaceph/photos/a.431578711399.218998.48688071399/10154108566871400/?type=3&theater

    They make people think it’s okay to buy animal products, and is not geared towards veganism

  • From Joseph Condon on 17 April 2017

    I am a big fan of your podcast. Like you I am amazed at how often people underestimate contribution of animal agriculture to greenhouse gases. I read the paper by Goodland and Ahbang and I thought their analysis was very reasonable.

    I am a vegan cardiologist and I teach all my patients to go vegan.

    Keep up the excellent work!

  • From Michael Breniser on 27 March 2017

    I am an endurance athlete that runs Spartan Races, looking forward to Toughest Mudder and The Worlds Toughest Mudder. I love the sound of this Lentein and can’t wait to buy it and try it. Is there a nutrition data profile that I can see?

    I looked at Clean Machine and did not see how I could order.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  • From entityfree on 24 January 2017

    🙁 whats wrong they said they give to their vet for sterilization. thats wrong to do! so is animal testing.

  • From entityfree on 17 January 2017

    programs like boxing and violent cartoons on dish subscribers should be gone or blocked. maybe most entertainment in this culture is violent at some level. struggle nearly always a theme.

  • From entityfree on 17 January 2017

    i have vague sense the protests have made a difference though. i think if the animals want to manage their all own travel show, they should be able to do that. if they miss that. not saying they do, at least a lot of them would hate it.

  • From entityfree on 17 January 2017

    thats no good the ranching. but on a different topic, it seems many of you all are city people. what if someone is standing for right to live in countryside, and they are not ranchers?

  • From Ralph on 27 February 2017

    Such a great interview and then… BAM! You start talking nonsense again about “Chemtrails”. Even Francione seemed embarrassed. How am I supposed to refer friends to your show when you speak of such nonsense? And I can’t imagine you this helps non-vegans impression of vegans being nut-jobs. Pizza gate pedomania too, omg. Bob please focus on animal rights! You are wrong about these things, and please don’t reply and refer me to some internet documentary. But even if you were right, which you are not, please for the sake of all the people who will never believe this nonsense who are looking for holes in your thinking on animal rights will just write off all the valid stuff you cover.

  • From entityfree on 09 January 2017

    when i think about all the people in the world and what they all are doing though i think if some, like young people, trying hard to make a difference in the world by having job that is somewhat positive, hey, they are not enemies! not if they are vegans. 🙂 what are their podcasts like? :-p i keep listening to goveganradio! (too). ..animals are not property.

  • From entityfree on 26 December 2016

    what if you dont count the ocean data, then what does it say? good for you for sharing a different opinion. tell me though how many people are hurt in car accidents? also what about car exhaust, and pollution from factories, oil spills, and air planes? people ignore all of that and have very little respect or interest in science.

    • From entityfree on 26 December 2016

      also im like the only person that uses my legs for transportation and when back to motel i smell like have walked through a fireplace.

  • From entityfree on 26 December 2016

    what does ‘core’ (or ‘court’?) ‘poor’ mean, at beginning of show?

  • From entityfree on 19 December 2016

    concerning pesticides, ”certified organic” only means inorganic pesticides were not used. that is my current understanding, unless they all could change the certified organic guidelines. i wished there were a no pesticide label or something like that.

  • From entityfree on 19 December 2016

    forced medical treatment of animals is still wrong, e.g.sterilization, killing, shots. and they advertise that on their site.

  • From entitityfree on 19 December 2016

    forced medical treatment of animals is wrong, e.g. sterilization, killing, shots. and they advertise that on their site.

  • From entityfree on 12 December 2016

    what!? who was asking you to read that at beginning? fake news is a bad thing. fake news can kill. dont tell fake news goveganradio. why arrest people? thats no good. just expose the lies, like offender lists, and tell the truth. like for example bernie sanders said on nbc last spring they would consider arming muslims or whoever in the middle east. and you all want to adore them? third parties want to end war and were on the ballot in like ever state.

  • From Tonka on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    Bob you are wrong on vaccines causing autism. Not much I can say that hasn’t already been said on that episode by others. You really need to reexamine the science. You can disagree with vaccines because they are not vegan, but you are wrong about their safety profile and you’re support for anti-vaccine conspiracies. Ironically there’s a powerful parallel here with climate change denial. You listen to science there, yet you don’t with vaccines. The CDC cover-up conspiracy is not true. Please take a moment to read this extremely thorough analysis: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2014/08/22/brian-hooker-proves-andrew-wakefield-wrong-about-vaccines-and-autism/

  • From entityfree on 05 December 2016

    wow, i actually think this protest about the money is very neat or interesting. it makes people think! we should not use money anyway. i would not work at a register but maybe some peoples thinking is ‘i will give you anything bad you want, i just wont accept any bad from you’? wah! 🙁 i am not aware about all these other products. when i find out i make a change. i know there are ”vegan” condoms which do not use something from animal in the manufacturing process.

  • From entityfree on 05 December 2016

    but, cysteine can be from vegan source, or coal anyway. i find this frustrating when looking for tortillas and such, some other ingredients, glycerides? or the dough conditioners. sometimes i think if i have to call the company i just give up. …hope they come out with a label about pesticides.

  • From entityfree on 05 December 2016

    oh, your talking about how pronounce the cheese, now i get it.

  • From Tim on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    Also please read this before scare mongering about toxins in vaccines:

    Toxic myths about vaccines

  • From Tim on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    Bob, it’s as if you didn’t actually read the comments on that episode of your show: https://goveganradio.com/28-november-2016/
    you know- the people that are upset. Your blog post here did not address their main points at all. I think it is important to consider what people are pointing out is wrong with your coverage featuring this anti-vaccine guy’s claims as factual. He is clearly wrong.

  • From entityfree on 05 December 2016

    pedophilia refers to those with attraction to people outside of their age group, youre talking about child molestation. your rude sometimes boblinden. :-). you should talk about vegan pizza.

  • From entityfree on 28 November 2016

    it is peoples(the individuals) right to chose this! (if you think not i can tell you where to stick the needle. you all have institutionalized child abuse.) has anyone ever died after a vaccine? do you think no one ever gets extremely sick after a vaccine?

  • From Tere Albanese on DxE Meet Hillary - When "Until Every Animal Is Free" Is Spun Into Anti-Trump Rhetoric for the Clinton Campaign

    Hello Bob! I just discovered your site & I’m so glad I did. I am a hard core vegan and I read your article “DxE Meet Hillary-When “Until Every Animal is Free” Is Spun Into Anti-Trump Rhetoric for the Clinton Campaign.” I completely agree that heartfelt and seemingly courageous “call to action” phrases are many times simply absurd. What does “Until Every Animal is Free” mean? It means nothing because no one can release all the billions of animals that have been unnaturally put on the planet. Where would they go? Where they are presently is causing a catastrophe. Setting them free would be an even bigger catastrophe. In all of man’s intelligence humanity has broken through every fail-safe that Mother Nature has strategically put in place. Those fail-safes will only fix what occurs naturally. Nature cannot fix the unnatural overpopulation of domestic animals. Nor can she fix an overpopulation of humans, whose only natural predator is death and since we have scientifically prolonged our lifespan we are literally killing the earth in terms of life as we know it. I have been a journalist for many years, but only recently started writing about animal cruelty on all fronts. When I heard that Tilikum was dying, over a year ago, I started looking into his life. I wrote an article on him that was published in VeganLife, UK. I will post it today on my site. However, you can read the uncut work on my site under “Animals in the News.”It has been updated since he died. The title is “The Sad Life of Tilikum is Over-He is Dead.” I burst into tears when I found out. The sad truth is he only lived two years of the life he should have had. I also wrote an article on Harambe. And I have many more. I have just written my first book, Virgil the Hound. It is based on a true story, about a foxhound that does not want to hunt foxes. It is written as an epic poem in rhyming quatrains. I want to get as many reviews from reputable people, such as you, before I launch. I would also be a great interview on your show. I have secured PETA and Beagle Freedom Project’s endorsements. I’m acquainted with Dr. Barnard. I met him at conference in LA. I will be reaching out to him today and many more. I would love to work with you and I’ll do it for nothing until I’m helping your station make money. I have so much to say and many times it has never been said, but it needs to be heard. I can get an interview with anyone and my questions are questions that no one else asks. I have just done an in depth interview with a Hall of Fame thoroughbred racehorse trainer that totally understands that there is cruelty in the industry and I wrote an article on him. Please read my article on Tilikum. Please contact me. And thank you, for all that you do.

  • From Mark on 10 April 2016

    Bob you need subtitles! Well I am not mother tongue speaker but normally do get everything but your geniously hilarious intro is just to filled with word games.and I’d LOVE to get them all!

  • From Louise mollot di cicco on 23 October 2016

    Canada puts up slaughterhouse slaves in moldy trailer s in Alberta city Brooks,see their strike despite being temporary workers war refugees from Sudan etc,2 workers beat n left for dead in freezing ditch,Edmonton later dropped attempted murder charge vs CEO n other management who rammed I no n injured union leader,

  • From Louise mollot di cicco on 23 October 2016

    Life means changes,even rocks change,so of course industries will change n convert to plants,hopefully to green leaves,esp. Lettuce trees,just like there’s 17% less medical students accepted into training now,slow change I know,but life is change,keep on n continue boycotting vaccines all are animal researched n tested on poor children. Mothers n prisoners,big appreciation for your show,will u cover children slaves in animal farms,w laws
    Agriculture exemptions ,see article by ex child laborer,Reproducing Dominion,also child amputees societies etc,these are white,north America n slaving unpaid on relatives or foster parent farms

  • From Louise mollot di cicco on DxE Meet Hillary - When "Until Every Animal Is Free" Is Spun Into Anti-Trump Rhetoric for the Clinton Campaign

    Clinton campaign paid by biggest meat Tyson,see Gail eisnitz book slaughterhouse,shocking story of greed etc,best big includes lots worker slaves interview s concerned about the animals they deal with,n info on Hillary,s windfall profits from investment in meats

  • From Louise mollot di cicco on 26 December 2016

    Nobel invented a type of dynamite so the prize of course has to go to war promoters ,prize is money or gifts ,so who pays for this? bankers of wars

  • From Jennifer Richards on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    Vaccination is not a religion but a science, the anti-vaccination efforts ate most compatible to a religion as they are based on an [admitted] lie and scientific illiteracy.

    I don’t know of your interviewer, but “hidden” documents is a sufficient indicator of the level of nonsense he’s peddling, and no doubt profiteering from his sociopathic lies.

    By all means oppose vaccinations on the basis of animal experimentation, cruelty, and the fact that most vaccinations are only necessary because of breeding animals (to consume), but to oppose them from ignorance and the continued preparation of falsehoods discredits you.

    Pandering to this anti-science nonsense dangerous and is nothing but foolishness that kills children.

  • From markgil on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    agree 1000% Bob! i don’t think i have been attacked worse than the times i spoke out against vaccines and most of them were vegans! just another case of using people’s fear against them in order to make a profit. i can’t figure out which are worse-the pro GMO vegans or the pro vaccine vegans. unfortunately in many cases the people who support one also support the other.

    btw, the thing that the vaccine pushers will NEVER tell people is that almost all the diseases they are trying to prevent came about as a result of enslaving non-human animals.

  • From Tom on Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

    The anti-vaccine interview was fabulous!!

  • From ahimsa on 28 November 2016

    vaccines, regardless of their effect or lack thereof, are not vegan in any case as they contain animal products and are also tested on animals.

  • From Happyblue on 28 November 2016

    At 36:11 into the show, Kent says Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT has shows that if the rates continue, by 2032 we will be talking about 1 in every 2 kids having autism. First of all, she blames Glyphosate in roundup for this, not vaccines. However she does not do lab work, she is a computer scientist and all her claims comes from crunching data in her computer simulations where she draws wild causations. Read more at: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2014/12/31/oh-no-gmos-are-going-to-make-everyone-autistic
    Her claims have been examined and it’s purely speculation and correlation.

    The following is from WikiPedia (you can find all the sources there)


    Clinical neurologist Steven Novella criticized Seneff’s Entropy publication for making “correlation is causation” assumptions using broad statistical extrapolations from limited data, saying “she has published only speculations and gives many presentations, but has not created any new data”.Scientists and scholars such as Derek Lowe, a medicinal chemist, and Jeffrey Beall, a library scientist known for his criticism of predatory open access publishers, have separately criticized Seneff’s paper for misrepresenting the results and conclusions of other researchers’ work. Lowe and Beall also noted that Entropy and its publisher, MDPI, have a known history of publishing studies without merit.

  • From HappyBlue on 28 November 2016

    Before anyone freaks out about vaccines and the supposed proof this Kent guys has written his book based on, read this article:http://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywillingham/2015/08/06/a-congressman-a-cdc-whisteblower-and-an-autism-tempest-in-a-trashcan/#484ca5f4385e

  • From Jr. on 28 November 2016

    You loose the rational and sane high-ground as vegan advocate and media source when giving any weight to, never-mind supporting, anti-vaxxer crap like this. The autism/vaccine connection is one of the most scrutinized hypotheses put forward to explain the cause of autism and the science is established – there is ZERO CONNECTION. But yet there is of course endless websites, documentaries and people like Kent that twist the data to fit their ideology.

    “Twenty epidemiologic studies have shown that neither thimerosal nor MMR vaccine causes autism. These studies have been performed in several countries by many different investigators who have employed a multitude of epidemiological and statistical methods. The large size of the studied populations has afforded a level of statistical power sufficient to detect even rare associations. These studies, in concert with the biological implausibility that vaccines overwhelm a child\’s immune system, have effectively dismissed the notion that vaccines cause autism. Further studies on the cause or causes of autism should focus on more-promising leads.” – http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/48/4/456.fullAiring

    The fringe antivaxxers like KENT HECKENLIVELY stress and confuse parents for no reason, and contributes to real world consequences like reducing herd immunity that unquestionably saves the vulnerable children that can not get vaccinated due to real health conditions. You have lost my support, I can not donate, never mind refer people to your podcast. Too ironic that I see your last tweet was about fake news.

  • From j.w. on 28 November 2016

    Boo! Cheap Fox News-style conspiracy theory BS.
    This is NOT the vegan scene.
    “Real vegan” stuff is completely scientifically evidence-based fact: Check out NutrictionFacts.org, and the likes of John McDougall M.D.

  • From Jacob on 10 May 2015

    We definitely need an enlightenment in the animal movement… listening to these callers…

  • From entityfree on 07 November 2016

    the day before the vote is not the time to start looking at the ballot! 🙂 even the mass media was fast at /not/ talking about third parties like a year ago! :-p

  • From entityfree on 07 November 2016

    i think the type of animal testing ericweisman referred to is unethical. i think it is wonderful they have developed vegan food for animals though.

Fresh Eyes Upon the World