98-Year-Young Vegan, First Ag Gag Arrestee, Bill of Rights Defender, USDA Whistleblower – HEAR THEM NOW on the latest GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN (July 21 broadcast) – link at bottom…
Guests 98-year-young vegan ELLSWORTH WAREHAM, M.D., who was chief of cardiac surgery at Loma Linda University Medical Center for 25 years – AND – AMY MEYER, the Utah animal advocate who is the first person charged under new Ag – Gag legislation – PLUS – SHAHID BUTTAR, executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee with advice on what we can do to respond to the assault on our civil liberties – AND – former USDA inspector and whistleblower LESTER FRIEDLANDER, D.V.M., asks for listener support to be nominated to the Secretary of Interior’s Executive Committee on Wild Horses and Burros – and – just as we were running out of time Dr. Friedlander said that he disagrees with something said by H$U$ CEO WAYNE PACELLE on the Jane Velez-Mitchell show, which he will explain next show – COMING THIS SUNDAY – Professor GARY FRANCIONE