Stanford Inn By the Sea

One Response

  1. Shanez Veganess
    Shanez Veganess January 29, 2016 at 8:39 pm | | Reply

    Jacques and Roxanne practice the same prejudice he speaks of changing, except they practices their prejudices and discrimination on animals. I have respect for the Venus Project until they speak of animals being exploited. They miss the plot altogether … there will never be a harmonious world while we still hold prejudice and discriminatory attitudes towards ‘other’ species. While we still slaughter other species, ‘because we can’and because we still hold the myths that we need too for nutritional benefits. If we continue this ignorant and arrogant practice we still maintain a backward, primitive, uncivilised and destructive mentality and behaviour. We must have the ‘conscious’ revolution before the world really starts being in balance. Animals must have our protection.

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