Stanford Inn By the Sea

2 Responses

  1. Dr Laurie Powell
    Dr Laurie Powell September 1, 2014 at 1:37 pm | | Reply

    Bob, Thank you for your radio program! I just saw a powerful film called “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” which addresses and documents exactly what you are discussing here about climate change! The vegan filmmakers (Kip Anderson, Keegan Kuhn) might make good guests for your program. Take care!

  2. jonathan tolan
    jonathan tolan September 2, 2014 at 1:12 am | | Reply

    Mr X is a HERO.
    I’ve just listened to the recent show (I live in the UK) and I have to try to tell you how moving I found Mr X’s story. I cannot express how much respect and admiration I have for him for sacrificing so much in the name of exposing the truth. The strength of character of this man is amazing to me. HE IS A HERO. Please pass on my admiration to him Bob. I feel a personal obligation to try to pay Mr X back at least a little bit by spreading the message and advocating veganism. His bravery in taking action that I know I could NEVER do (I am not strong enough) MUST not be in vain.

    I want to write about this inspiring and sobering interview in my blog (I don’t have a blog yet but I will start one today!) If you have a transcript of Mr X’s comments would you be willing to send me a copy? If not, I will do one myself (with your permission of course!)

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