Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

3 Responses

  1. Amy Fried
    Amy Fried September 22, 2014 at 11:31 am | | Reply

    Oy, this lady doesn’t know how to listen!! And I find her wording very telling. Instead of saying “It will be hard to get everyone to go vegan in the next few years” she says it is impossible to “stop serving meat.” Really? Someone is forcing her to serve meat?

  2. Amy Fried
    Amy Fried September 22, 2014 at 11:47 am | | Reply

    One more thought: it’s not just sugar that is a concern re: diabetes. According to PCRM, it’s more about the animal fat.

  3. sheree
    sheree February 5, 2015 at 1:04 pm | | Reply

    Just started listening to some of your archive shows so this comment is rather late. Having grown up in a ‘christian’ home, I could never figure out why compassion for animals was something that just ‘wasn’t done’ in the church. Jesus himself broke the Sabbath when saving an animal in a ditch and he drove out the money changers b/c of the animal sacrifice going on in the temple (and was widely criticized for both). And Jesus always seemed to use animals in his stories to drive home this idea of love and mercy. If we are to be ‘more like Christ’ wouldn’t it behoove Christians to show mercy and love towards all beings?

    Regarding Abraham sacrificing his son, what merciful loving God would ever require any type of sacrifice? Jesus himself said, “I require mercy not sacrifice” and God, in the old testament, said, “I do not delight in the blood of bulls…”

    I believe the church has a responsibility to lead the way towards mercy and justice but they would rather spend their time needling scripture to death. They should speak out against corporations that destroy the planet, destroy the lives of people and animals and that create such a system of unjustness that we have children being enslaved to pick cocoa beans to name just one of many.

    I stopped going to church when I was 16 b/c I was given the choice. Perhaps that ‘fate’ was sealed when I was told at age 10 that animals wouldn’t be in Heaven. At that time, all I could think was that if my cat couldn’t go I didn’t want to go either.

    apologies for the rant and some fuzzy remembrance of bible scripture

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