Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

3 Responses

  1. Dr Tim Ball-Historical Climatologist
    Dr Tim Ball-Historical Climatologist October 17, 2015 at 4:47 pm | | Reply

    I would like to tell you of my latest book and documentary.
    ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
    My latest documentary and video of my presentation.
    My website is
    Thank you.

    Debate between Dr Tim Ball and Elizabeth May
    Scroll down to Ian Jessop part 1

  2. Lisa Lavie
    Lisa Lavie October 19, 2015 at 2:25 pm | | Reply

    Loving your show, it’s my first time listening it! Looking forward to checking out the ones I’ve missed!
    Thank you,

  3. Susan Griffiths
    Susan Griffiths October 24, 2015 at 5:41 am | | Reply

    At first Butterflies Katz found that vegan food did not taste that good, so part of her activism was to learn how to make vegan food taste good. I hadn’t looked at it this way, but now it is pointed out I realize I felt and did the same. I also like that Butterflies Katz pointed out that she doesn’t see vegan as a diet – rather it is an ethical way to live. And, apparently this is the first vegan radio show – didn’t know that. And the truth – virtually everything that is wrong with the world comes from the animal agricultural industry. This industry is spurned from greed and violence and causes social inequity, suffering to humans, animals and the planet.

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