Stanford Inn By the Sea

Why Would Farm Ban Me?

Why would FARM ban me? FARM accuses me of being disruptive at its pseudo-conference two years ago when I traveled 3000 miles, not to attend , but to protest that butchers had astonishingly hijacked the conference in favor of the egg industry agenda of animal rights approval for the concentration camp conditions of so-called “enriched” cages, previously rejected by all the sell-out groups – who now campaigned for them – including H$U$, Mercy for Animals, Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing, ASPCA, ALDF – AND FARM, the AR Conference organizer. I was protesting one of the largest betrayal of animals ever – led by a partnership between the United Egg Producers and H$U$. I was there to represent the chickens. H$U$, an anti-vegan pro-meat rancher advocacy organization, was allowed by FARM to install one of its propagandist operatives, pig-killer co-worker Paul Shapiro, as a speaker on a panel entitled “the future of animal rights”, as FARM called hotel security – and the police – on me, merely for distributing flyers alerting people to “meat”-and-animal-abuser-industry influence and acceptance in the “animal rights movement.” FARM also “condemned” a previous talk of mine at the conference (LINK BELOW in 2nd half of show) in which I expressed serious concerns that “the movement” could be heading in the wrong direction. If I were to speak in LA, my talk would be entitled “I Told You So”.

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