Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


11 November 2012

THE BARBI TWINS, and with BOB talking about the disgraceful verdict in his lawsuit against Anaheim, the city that hates animals so much that it is willing to profit from their abuse by Ringling Brothers circus while trampling citizens’ constitutional rights

7 October 2012

LIVE from the 13th annual World Veg Festival at Golden Gate Park with visits from WILL TUTTLE, CHERIE SORIA, JOSEPH CADIZ, VAIDYA PRIYANKA, LEE HALL, ELLEN JAFFE JONES

2 September 2012

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4 March 2012

SHOCKING MONSANTO LAWSUIT DECISION – REACTION FROM LEAD PLAINTIFF ORGANIC FARMER on “GO VEGAN WITH BOB LINDEN” – listener-supported grassroots animal liberation and environmental radio activism, broadcasting 11 years, as heard on Air America —- Also this week – LARGEST ANIMAL RESCUE EVER FROM FARM TORTURE IN CALIFORNIA with guest MARJI BEACH, education director of […]

22 May 2011

How has it become criminalized to feed vegan food to homeless people, and who’s risking arrest to do it? Is “vegan” the new Al-Qaeda? Actions atre being planned against Air France / KLM for its role as the major transporter of animals for vivisection Alert to parents – the danger of your newborn receiving the […]

6 February 2011

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9 January 2011

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26 December 2010

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12 December 2010

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5 December 2010

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Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset