Stanford Inn By the Sea

Shocking Revelations on Sept 22 Program

LINK BELOW to the Radio Show that Reveals the Shocking Proof – Humane Society Plot to Destroy the World!!! It may say “eat less meat”, but the actions of Humane Society International / Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) include partnership in the “Global Agenda of Action” – “in support of sustainable livestock sector development” – to meet the estimated 70% increase in demand for “livestock” products by 2050 – In addition to the “Humane Society”, other “livestock” industry partners in this conspiracy include the International Dairy Federation,International Egg Commission, International Meat Secretariat, Livestock Farming and Local Development, etc., and lots more including the UN, government agencies universities, and animal ag interests around the world. It’s a climate-changing, environment-destroying, people-starving, resource-depleting scam of monumental proportions – with the “Humane Society” right in the middle – telling us what’s “sustainable” and “humane”. Learn how the GRASS-FED murder victim’s body is more damaging to the environment – and people – than “factory-farmed” flesh!!!

– guests – MARK DEVRIES – writer, producer, director, editor of the new documentary SPECIESISM: THE MOVIE – Listeners and people who look like them get a 30% discount at screenings in LA, San Francisco, Chicago, and DC by entering goveganradio for the discount code at and clicking on the location – AND – MICHAEL BUDKIE of Stop Animal Exploitation Now talks about the FREE THE ANIMALS anti-vivisection conference that he is organizing in LA in October – PLUS – who are we to judge? – Animal Rights Commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE – See you at the 14th annual World Veg Festival this Saturday and Sunday at the County Fair Bldg at Golden Gate Park – I emcee – and speak Saturday morning at 10:30 on “Humane Meat & the Compromise of Animal Advocacy”, so all vegan activists (and “humane meat” advocates) are invited – It’s FREE before 10:30 both days, FREE for students with id, seniors over 65, children under 12 – otherwise:$10

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