Stanford Inn By the Sea

Program Update, Francione, Links

WOW! GARY FRANCIONE – live interview coming this Sunday on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN 5pm – 7pm pacific – click LISTEN LIVE at – now nationally syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network – Coming August 4: NATHAN WINOGRAD
DID YOU HEAR OUR FASCINATING JULY 7th & 14th PROGRAMS? Here are the links –
As Ringling Bros’ cruelest show on earth opens in LA and begins its annual California torture tour, we talk to  MATT ROSSELL, campaigns director for Animal Defenders International, about why people should not attend the circus and why and how it is being banned by countries around the world and cities around the US. He also condemns the cruelty and danger to the public of elephant rides at fairs and elsewhere, including Nevada County in California – AND – The latest comic book hero wears a ski mask and not a cape – LIBERATOR writer and pit bull rescuer MATT MINER talks about the action genre’s new sensation – PLUS – BOB discusses the California prison hunger strike, the demands for better food, and the amazing vegan prison program in California that led to a 2% recidivism rate compared to the 95% expectation for prisoners to return to incarceration!!!
Vegan Peace Mom CINDY SHEEHAN talks about her just-completed  Tour De Peace bike ride from California to DC, and why being vegan is so important to her. Mad Fish Disease? Chicken Wings Getting Bigger – And Badder? Sweetened Poop For Dinner For the Cows You Eat and Whose Milk You Drink? – Shocking Revelations from Former USDA Inspector Turned Whistleblower, LESTER FRIEDLANDER, D.V.M. Plus – hear an amazing presentation by Australian philanthropist PHILIP WOLLEN, a former Citibank vice president. And – don’t be fooled by H$U$, Farm Sanctuary, Mercy for Animals, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund – when they ask you to support the Denham-Schrader farm bill amendment, they are asking you to support the Rotten Egg Bill, which is terrible for chickens! – Also – What’s wrong with gelatin?

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