Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Pro-H$U$ ARZone

So after this guy Tim Gier of the Animal Rights Zone podcast says to me – ” you’re not saying anything interesting – or what’s worse – anything that advances the cause of humans or other animals”, he invites me to be the interviewed guest in the near future on ARZone. Just previously, he said –  “perhaps you don’t realize how your style of communication makes you come across as self-important and self-righteous. Perhaps you also don’t realize that in the actual world there is nothing that is as black and white as you seem to believe some things are. Perhaps you also don’t realize that well-informed, intelligent people of good will can disagree with you about the HSUS and, simply because such people disagree with you, that doesn’t make such people ‘bad’ people. I realize that you have assumed for yourself the role (an almost single-minded one apparently) of HSUS detractor-in-chief, but, seriously my friend, the routine is wearing thin. Were it up to me alone, I’d delete every post of yours that focuses on the HSUS…” …And then Mr. Gier said to me – “you don’t actually raise issues of substance, you simply insinuate and insult. Take care, sir, I have much better things to do with my time than to waste it listening to your endless banality”… And …”I’ve changed my mind Bob. You set it up with Carolyn and we can discuss your ‘position’ in an ARZone Podcast anytime you like. I’d welcome the chance to expose your simplistic and fallacious reasoning.”  


One Response

  1. Lucas
    Lucas July 11, 2013 at 10:41 am | | Reply

    My favorite excerpt from your previous appearance on ARZone:


    (1:25:05 in)

    Bob Linden: “If there is a compromise … I’d really like to know what the animals got. What did HSUS negotiate for the animals? What did the egg industry give up”?

    Tim Gier: “Well, I don’t know”…

    Now that’s substance!

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