Mercy For Animals Declines Interview on Its Questionable Policies Because Gary Francione and Bob Linden Are “Unreasonable Lunatics”
As alarming as Mercy For Animals’ policies of animal betrayal are, equally disturbing are its refusal to engage in critical public dialogue about them, and its ludicrous excuses for such evasion.
It is imperative for the animals that the public be fully informed of actions purported to be taken on their behalf. You have a right to an explanation of the positions taken by an organization that is purportedly a leader in animal advocacy, but incomprehensibly fosters sympathy and approval for animal-abusing industries, what Francione calls a “new low” – heralding some (imaginary) “new era” at Tyson’s, the mass exterminator of pigs, applauding Tyson’s decision to fund new painful animal research on pain, and to expand methods of killing baby pigs. Doesn’t Mercy For Animals owe the public an explanation of this? Don’t you want to know why?
Don’t you have a right to know why Mercy For Animals is also singing the praises of Chipotle, undermining the efforts of animal activists Direct Action Everywhere to expose the myths of the deceptive “humane meat” marketing campaign that have catapulted Chipotle to the 3rd largest restaurant chain?
Don’t you have a right to know why Mercy For Animals a torch bearer for United Egg Producers, campaigning for chicken killer written legislation, introduced in Congress by the Senator who sponsored the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act; legislation that would condemn hens to horrific concentration camp confinement forever, permanently prohibiting any improvement to “furnished” battery cages – the same cages previously opposed by MFA for being too cruel, before it crusaded for them?
Don’t you have a right to know why Mercy For Animals’ marketing asks people to “Go Vegetarian” instead of asking them to “Go Vegan”?
These seem like reasonable questions for an organization that claims a leading role in animal advocacy. Nathan Runkle and Matt Rice were invited to address these issues in a lengthy discussion on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN with its host and with Professor Gary Francione who presents a weekly commentary on the program.
Mr. Rice responded by saying he would not dignify the request with a response, calling Linden and Francione “unreasonable lunatics”, and explaining that one does not debate someone in the middle of the street yelling at cars about an invasion of lizard people, nor does one debate
people who say Jesus rode dinosaurs or Obama is the anti christ…”
Okay Mr. Rice, we promise not to talk about “lizard people”, “Obama”, and “dinosaur rides” if you agree to just discuss the thinking behind the policies of your organization. Is it when you heard Francione and Linden enumerating MFA policies that you decided they were “lunatics” – as they must have seemed to be discussing “lunacy”? Or is “lunacy” defined as disagreeing with Mercy For Animals?
In any case, for clarification, the “lunatics” in question here are very concerned about the sad and horrendous plight of animals, the necessity for the promotion of veganism, and the sorry state of a compromised animal advocacy movement.
Gary Francione is a distinguished professor of law and philosophy at Rutgers University for 25 years, author of several books on animal rights, and the first academic to teach animal rights theory at an American law school. He is a former editor of the Virginia Law Review, and clerk for a Supreme Court justice.
The other “lunatic” in question, Bob Linden, hosts GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, the first mainstream media vegan animal liberation program, now broadcasting for 13 years, nationally syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network, previously heard on Air America, and CBS and Clear Channel radio stations. Linden, the initial organizer of WorldFest, a vegan festival in Los Angeles, also presents weekly commentary on KPFA, Pacifica radio in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he emcees an annual vegan event in Golden Gate Park. He was previously in broadcast management, and is vegan for 30 years.
The invitation to Mercy For Animals remains open indefinitely…
Hi Bob,
Good to connect with you again! Oh so happy that you are keeping people on their toes and being a big thorn in their butts!
MFA just hired”good ole boy” Nick Cooney.
When is the Worldfest in LA?
I will be attending the FARM AR conference in LA in July, any chance you will speak there?
Love your gumption Bob!
Hi Cindy…just posted…FARM Has Banned Me from Speaking at Its (so-called) Animal Rights Conference Coming to Los Angeles – the city where GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN started broadcasting in 2001 on KRLA and was heard on KTLK on the Air America radio network, where I started WorldFest and other vegan festivals, and where I’ve been unconstitutionally arrested half a dozen times protesting animal abuse – WHAT IS FARM AFRAID OF ME SAYING? Why are animal killers invited to speak? Who appoints the censors of the “animal rights movement”? Who decided who owns “the movement”?