Stanford Inn By the Sea

July 28 program with Gary Francione

Here’s the link to GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, broadcast date July 28, with guest GARY FRANCIONE, law professor at Rutgers and the first academic to teach animal rights theory in an American law school, who discusses the “animal rights movement”, abolition vs welfare, animals as “property”, veganism, and the horrid partnership with animal exploitation industries that is compromising and co-opting many large organizations blurring the line between animal advocates and animal killers. He discusses his recent “debate” at the so-called “animal rights conference”, suggesting that he doesn’t expect to be invited again because of disapproval by those co-opted groups in attendance, joining BOB on the “ar conference” blacklist for truth telling, as BOB’s talk in year’s past was officially condemned by FARM, organizer of the conference, to which BOB traveled 3,000 miles last year for the sole purpose of protesting its infiltration by butchers
 – ALSO – SUNNY MUELLER of VEGETARIAN HOUSE organic vegan restaurant at 520 East Santa Clara Street in San Jose celebrates the signs of growing veganism with increased demand for catering in the Bay Area for occasions ranging from large business gatherings to weddings, and discusses why VEGETARIAN HOUSE is being chosen over typical “meat and dairy” caterers. Have VEGETARIAN HOUSE cater your next Bay Area event whether for 10 people or 1000…Call – ALSO – BOB alerts the audience to the growing health threats associated with new FDA approval for increased toxicity in MONSANTO’s Round-UP poison


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