Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

January 12 program

GARY FRANCIONE will slam Mercy For Animals’ new cheerleading campaign for Tyson “Foods” pig killers – Nathan Runkle, Matt Rice decline invitation to respond on-air + MR X, undercover investigator, discusses “family farms” vs “factory farms” + vegan couple in their 60’s JANETTE MURRAY-WAKELIN, a breast cancer survivor, & ALAN MURRAY who ran a record-setting 366 marathons on consecutive days through 2013 + ANDREA HAHN on harrassment of seals and sea lions in La Jolla CA + nutrition and fitness expert MELISSA BREY of www.GreenLiteMeals.com with encouragement for maintaining your New Year’s resolutions – GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN  – listen live Sundays 5pm-7pm/pacific, or the archive at www.GoVeganRadio.com

2 Responses

  1. ifyoucareenough
    ifyoucareenough January 13, 2014 at 11:36 am | | Reply

    when do the recorded shows get posted? Im looking in particular for 1/12

    thanks for all you do xo

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