Stanford Inn By the Sea

H$U$ Says Cows Thank Dairy “Farmers”

The pathetic Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) is pretending to speak on behalf of cows thanking dairy “farmers”. Only the deceptive butchers of H$U$ could concoct the scenario that victims thank their rapists, kidnappers, torturers and murderers. It almost makes the BIG H$U$ LIE THAT WILL BE EXPOSED on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN  this Sunday – business as usual for the H$U$ “meat” corporation – but listen anyway! …from The Humane Society of the United States – Farmer Outreach facebook page September 17
Half of America’s milk is produced on 3% of the dairy farms – confinement factories where cows eat grain from troughs, and walk on concrete, crowded hundreds to the acre.
Meanwhile, Snowville Creamery owner Warren Taylor is committed to pasture-based, grass-grazing dairying methods. We, and the cows, thank him for it.

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