Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

One Response

  1. Loretta Smalls
    Loretta Smalls August 21, 2018 at 8:28 am | | Reply

    I live in a rural area of Lancaster California and we have a lot of rescued animals including a former race horse. I am surrounded by backyard operations including folks who raise pigs, goats, cows, chickens, etc… for food and also, I suspect, backyard breeders. In the eleven years I have been here, I have noticed a decline in the quail, pheasant, horned lark, and other desert animals because of the surge of non indigenous animals here in the high desert. The population of farm animals has risen and so has the population of ravens and rodents who are after the feed. These also decimate the nests and newborns of the other animals adding to the rapid decline. Of course this is just empirical evidence but if I noticed it, it surely must be obvious to others.

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