Stanford Inn By the Sea

2 Responses

  1. Loretta Smalls
    Loretta Smalls August 21, 2018 at 10:08 am | | Reply

    We also need to reduce human births. We can accomplish this by advocating for a woman’s right to choose. Religions, governments, and state legislation need to stay out of the reproduction arena, and leave that to the woman and her doctor. Reducing births, can also be a big step towards reducing negative impacts on this planet.

  2. Malina Fielder
    Malina Fielder September 21, 2018 at 7:27 pm | | Reply

    Hi, This is Dr Malina Fielder, vet and holistic animal nutritionist from Brisbane. I am organizing a workshop “Vegan Dog cooking Classes”, vegans will be instructed about the preparation of a complete and balanced home-made vegan diet for dogs. More info. on my Facebook page “Vet Nutritionist Clinic”.
    Event will be held at Animal Wellness Vet Clinic, East Brisbane. I will donate to Go Vegan Radio 25% of the ticket money that are sold with your help.

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