Stanford Inn By the Sea

DxE Pseudo Activism Needs to Be Flushed Down the Toilet

This demonstration is the stupidest shit I have ever seen and DxE really needs to go away and stop hurting animals with such idiocy.

First of all, shitheads, and I say that with affection and all due respect for those inadvertently splashing poop in their hair while shoveling it on the woman on the sidewalk – you are wrong: there is nothing more “natural” than feces, and Trader Joe’s is labeling its egg products truthfully.

What is “unnatural” is a group of “animal advocates” that asks people to do such a worthless, trivial, meaningless, and insignificant action as calling some low-level Trader Joe’s employee to demand that the word “natural” be removed from egg cartons. Duh! Why not demand a roll of toilet paper for every chicken?

It took a passerby to inject the actual only real solution to the plight of chickens – going VEGAN – and the leader of this shitty little demonstration could not get rid of him fast enough, and get him off camera. Not one person in your group ever mentioned going VEGAN, which is such an unforgivable and monumental disservice to animals that one can only conclude that DxE is full of shit.

😱 LIVE: We are recreating a manure pile using REAL FECES outside a Trader Joe's. One activist is LYING DOWN in the filth to show how animals live in egg farms.

Call Trader Joe's Food Safety Director at 626-599-2869 and ask them to stop labeling filthy eggs "natural".

Posted by Direct Action Everywhere – DxE on Wednesday, March 21, 2018


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