Welcome to San Diego Reggae Vegan Fest – presented by 501(c)(3) Go Vegan Radio.
Thank You for Joining Us at this Special Musical Celebration of Life – All Life – Animals, People, Health, Food, Environment, & Peace
Reggae & Vegan Together – It’s a Natural!
The Roots of Reggae Are Vegan! Reggae is a gift to the world from the Rastafari culture. Higher – consciousness in Jamaica in the 1930’s realized that eating “meat”, dairy, and eggs is wrong and unnatural. They recognized that the life force within us all – which they called “livity” – can’t be fed with death – and to elevate “livity”, we must be Vegan. They didn’t call it Vegan, because that word would not be invented until the 1940’s in the UK. They called it “Ital” – “vital” without the “V”. The “V” is back at our first-ever 100% Vegan Reggae festivals with life, livity, and the pursuit of happiness!
Go Vegan Radio is used to being first in Vegan advocacy in many ways – along with creating the exciting new San Diego Reggae Vegan Fest & LA Reggae Vegan Fest, we continue to produce the first Vegan talk show ever, Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden, since 2001, and Bob was involved with producing two of the first Vegan festivals ever – WorldFest in LA in 2000 (now VegFest), and San Diego FallFest in 1999 in Ocean Beach – a huge success! San Diego has its place in Vegan history. Bob, former Program Director of 98.1 KIFM in San Diego, also presented a Reggae Vegan New Year’s Party at the World Beat Center almost 20 years ago – and thanks to Makeda Dredd for all that she has done for the Reggae and Vegan cause in San Diego! We now come full circle…
Reggae Vegan Fest is animal advocacy – perhaps, at its most entertaining. There would be no Reggae Vegan Fest if not for our concern for animals. Our mission is to convince people to stop eating, wearing, and using animals. When we do that – good things happen for people and the environment. Countless billions killed one by one, every year – for what?
We salute the wisdom of the Jamaican culture that gave us Reggae, Ital Vegan, and a call for peace and non-violence. Perhaps they knew that going Vegan was the only way to save the children, save your health, save Jamaica, and save the planet.
“One Love” Includes the Animals – “One Love, All Species”
The greatest expression of love, respect, and justice for animals is to GO VEGAN. It removes you from the cycle of terror, torture, and death that EVERY animal used for food and clothing must endure. Don’t be fooled. Whether the label says “cage-free, free-range, humane, organic, grass-fed, or clean meat”, it’s a dirty, cut-throat business and nobody nobody gets out alive. Even with the hoax known as “cage-free eggs”, every male chick is ground alive or suffocated just after birth, every hen is mutilated and confined in harsh imprisonment, and killed. How is that a victory for animals? The only victory for animals happens whenever someone goes Vegan. We can yell at McDonald’s to shut down and we can call for the end of slaughterhouses, but the only way to accomplish that is for people to GO VEGAN!
“I Want to Go Vegan but I Can’t Give Up the Cheese!” What does that mean for the animals and your family’s health?
To produce a baby, Mama Cow – whom you somehow mistake for your mother if you’re drinking her milk – is ALWAYS impregnated on what the dairy industry calls a “rape rack”. Her baby is kidnapped from her just after birth and they wail for each other, but baby is gone – headed to become “veal” while you swallow the bovine nipple drippings intended to be his food, and pour it on your cereal or in your coffee, or eat it as cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream. I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream. You should be screaming. T. Colin Campbell of “The China Study” (as heard on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden) characterizes dairy protein as the #1 carcinogen to which Americans are exposed. Insulin Growth Factor in dairy grows baby cows really big really fast – and grows tumors in humans really big really fast. The FDA allows 750,000 pus cells per liter of cows’ milk, the bloody fluid of infection rampant in a population of sick cows. Along with pus and blood, milk contains urine – and often – leukemia and tuberculosis. It also contains casomorphin – a morphine-like addictive that keeps baby cow coming back for more, and you saying “I can’t give up the cheese” (addiction). Who is lactose intolerant and sickened by dairy? 90 – 100% of East Asians, 80 – 100% of Indigenous North Americans, 80% of Central Asians, 70 -90% of people of African descent, 70% of people in Southern India, 60 – 80% of Ashkenazi Jews. Lactose intolerance is not a disease to be treated. It is normal that your body would react to baby food of another species. You are not a baby. You are not a cow.
Your body reacts to “meat”, dairy, fish, and eggs with heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. in his book “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” (as heard on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden) tells us that no one has to suffer heart disease – and that it is a symptom of animal, egg, and dairy consumption. He sees heart disease now developing in very young children. T. Colin Campbell estimates that 90% of chronic fatal disease is caused by animal protein “and not much of it”. How do you get your protein? The healthier question is – how do you avoid your animal protein? The World Health Organization now classifies “processed meat” – including hot dogs, bacon, ham, sausages, salami, corned beef, and jerky – as Group 1: “carcinogenic to humans”. You wouldn’t give your child a bowl of asbestos or a glass of Flint Michigan tap water. Knowing this – how can you ever give your children these pseudo “foods” again? You should also know that grilling “meat” produces multiple carcinogenic compounds. It’s like eating cancer with added cancer. You owe it to your family to stop and GO VEGAN!
People ask why we claim that our Reggae Vegan Fests are the premiere environmental events. They ask what we are supporting to make that claim – alternative energy, more miles per gallon, marches against Exxon? No – we are the premiere environmental festivals because we support going Vegan – the single most important action you can take for the environment. It is the only way to stop Climate Change, deforestation, resource depletion, water shortage, soil erosion, desertification, eutrophication, acidification, habitat destruction, and mass extinction.Vegans can save the world – just by eating!
Saving the World from Climate Change, Environmental Catastrophe, & Mass Extinction – by Going Vegan!
In their study “Livestock and Climate Change” (extensively covered on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden), World Bank ecologists Dr. Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang estimate that animal agriculture is responsible for at least 51% of all human generated greenhouse gas emissions. At least 51%? That’s more than everything else combined – cars, trucks, boats, planes, fossil fuels – everything! Those same climate specialists tell us that the only solution for Climate Change is an immediate population shift to VEGAN, which would take us to pre-industrial carbon levels. Don’t think that an alternative energy infrastructure is the solution – that would take about 20 years and $30 trillion – neither of which we can afford. Did those wise higher – conscious thinkers in Jamaica in the 1930’s know that Ital Vegan would be the way to save that island, all island nations, and islands like Manhattan – from rising waters and severe weather?
Guitars, keyboards, and drums are not waterproof. You can save Reggae, Jamaica, and the world – just by eating what’s natural, what grows from the Earth – fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, legumes.
In a Forbes Magazine article “Meat and Agriculture Are Worse for the Climate than Power Generation, Steven Chu Says”, the former Secretary of Energy, Nobel Prize winning physicist and current president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science said “if cattle and dairy cows were a country, they would have more greenhouse emissions than the entire EU 25.”
In an article in the Guardian “Avoiding Meat and Dairy is Single Biggest Way to Reduce Your Impact of Earth” researcher Joseph Poore of Oxford University (as heard on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden) concludes that “without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union,and Australia combined -and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.” The Oxford University study states: “Moving from current diets to a diet that excludes animal products has transformative potential” – reducing food’s land use by 3.1 billion hectares (a 76% reduction) would cut in half greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication.
Water Is Life! In a report to the United Nations, the Stockholm International Water Institute estimated that a Vegan requires 10,000 gallons of water to grow his or her food in a year – and a non-Vegan needs 320,000 gallons! Holy Cow – that means that 32 Vegans can be fed on the water that goes for one non-Vegan!
You get the idea, right? Going Vegan is the best action you can take for people, planet, and animals, and the best day to Go Vegan is today!
Please support our work by donating to 501(c)(3) Go Vegan Radio at www.GoVeganRadio.com
Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.
“One Love, All Species!”
Enjoy the Music!