Stanford Inn By the Sea

3 R’s of H$U$

To H$U$, animals are just “things” to be killed to make “products” for profit. Here’s the H$U$ Vice President of Pig Killing, Joe Maxwell – posing with his hostages whose throats he is about to slash – peddling dead animals as “food” for FOOD DAY  with the H$U$ spin, reminding us of the H$U$  3 R’s talking points – “reducing”, “replacing”, “refining”. I think I know what he means…

…”reducing” the lifespan of innocent animals  to a small fraction of what it should be..and .”reducing”those animals to “property”….

…replacing the dead animals he just killed with more and more soon-to-be-dead living animals…
…refining – refining H$U$ propaganda to perfection so that even people who think themselves to be animal advocates donate their money to H$U$ to pay Joe’s salary so that he can develop a network of “humane” serial killers, even acceptable to vegans.”

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