Stanford Inn By the Sea

3 Responses

  1. Dede
    Dede September 4, 2016 at 7:49 pm | | Reply

    Great interview, Bob. I’m sorry you are having so many technical problems. Hope you get them fixed soon. Love all the work you do to spread veganism! <3

  2. Jeff Melton
    Jeff Melton September 4, 2016 at 9:46 pm | | Reply

    So nice, for a change, to see you being so positive and supportive about other animal rights activists’ work, Bob. I agree, it’s enough to bring tears to our eyes to see a vegan/animal rights message right there in Times Square. Wonderful to see!

  3. Mary Finelli
    Mary Finelli September 5, 2016 at 3:29 pm | | Reply

    Excellent interview, Angel truly is an impressively articulate animal advocate. I’m especially glad that the campaign is making such a point of including concern for fishes, given that they are the greatest number of harmfully exploited vertebrates and suffer some of the worst abuses yet receive the least protection or concern, even from the animal rights community.

    Here’s the petition to help promote the campaign:

    Thanks also to you, Bob, for including fishes in your animal advocacy. Thanks very much!

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